Hello, Welcome to VIBRA Vibration Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

VIBRAting Conveyors

Based on your throughput, conveying distance, lifting height and the specifc process requirements (such ascooling, heating, de-humidifying and drying), the types of vibrating conveyors (WF, WFT, FRO, FRU, RRO and RRU) manufactured by VIBRA can meet most of your high-standard reguirements for conveying and processingfor the most tough production conditions.

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The conveying paths can be designed as horizontally up to 70 meters long or vertically on spiral paths up to 8 meters high; the operation ambient temperature can be varied from minus 50℃ up to 1000℃;the conveying troughs or tubes can be open or closed;the construction materials can be nominated as standard steel, stainlesssteel, or hasty alloy or titanium.The vibrating conveyors will be driven by synchronously contra-rotating vibratingmotors or electromagnetic vibrators; the vibrating insulation is up to 96% thanks to the highly flexible coil springsor rubber cushion elements.
With about 70 years of extensive project experiences, VIBRA's advanced technoloqiesand quality ensure that the equipment supplied by VIBRA will provide you almost maintenance-free, low-wearoperation and environmental-friendly working conditions with lower operation and maintenance cost.

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